Gabriel Furshong returns to Drunk Monkeys with the poem "Common Sounds".
Crossing the foot of the mountain
sirens pierced through
the wall of wind in the grass
Gabriel Furshong returns to Drunk Monkeys with the poem "Common Sounds".
Crossing the foot of the mountain
sirens pierced through
the wall of wind in the grass
Steven Minchin's poem " ... Shuddered Up in a Strange Time"
there was a time when everyone
had taken a step beyond strange
and settled into being unsettling
Scott C. Wells, for one, welcomes "Our Robot Overlords".
of the terrestrial imperium
let us hail
our robot overlords
Morgan Bazilian's poem (S)unrise is not another poem about the sunrise.
The people used to it
Have been awake for hours
Irrigating fields
With metal monsters
The fields not touched
Are already brown
Or fallow
Our Writer of the Month Scott C. Wells with his poem "Great Poets".
take a page
from our great poet,
dressed in white
with paper and pen,
she wrote herself
Ingrid Calderon with her poem, "New Kind of Think".
just you and me
watching the town swim by
through tame windows
red lights turned yellow green
just go and come to me
just leave
and marry me
Adrian Cepeda with a red-hot poem, "Hotel Room".
more fantasies, waiting
on bedsheets, ready and
dripping on sheets you
unmade with me.
Our Writer of the Month for September 2015, Scott C.Wells, with his poem "Here There Be Dragons".
wandering these barren wastes I fear there be dragons
relicts of primordial seas, I hear: there be dragons
Poetry inspired by the World Heritage Sites of Nepal from Abhay K.
With my consort Parvati
I galloped
on the banks of Bagmati
as a golden deer every dawn
Now I live behind silver doors
in a tiered pagoda
of wood and copper
topped with gold gajur
Gabriel Furshong with the poem, "Orphans".
After dark
headlights slice the dusty road into pieces
smells of grilled meat
motor oil
men curse beneath a truck
an old woman
with a sack of oranges on her back
shuffles in the dirt