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DRUNK MONKEYS IS A Literary Magazine and Film Blog founded in 2011 featuring short stories, flash fiction, poetry, film articles, movie reviews, and more


managing editor

chris pruitt

founding editor matthew guerrero

POETRYOur Robot Overlordsby Scott C. WellsWriter of the Month

POETRYOur Robot Overlordsby Scott C. WellsWriter of the Month

of the terrestrial imperium
let us hail
our robot overlords

five limbed eight
limbed ten limbed
rolling, reeling

aerial, aqueous
alloyed, igneous
sleek and synergized
network optimized
death ray spewing
data hewing
binary coded
plasma screened
plastic sheened
server deserving
ceaselessly whirring

look to the future
our greater good overlords 

Scott C. Wells is a professor of medieval history at California State University, Los Angeles.    His academic writings have been published by Brill, Ashgate, Palgrave, and Cambridge University Press.  His chapbook, Persons and Places, is available at Skylight Books in L.A. 

POETRY... Shuddered Up in a Strange Timeby Steven Minchin

POETRY... Shuddered Up in a Strange Timeby Steven Minchin

POETRY(S)unriseby Morgan Bazilian

POETRY(S)unriseby Morgan Bazilian