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DRUNK MONKEYS IS A Literary Magazine and Film Blog founded in 2011 featuring short stories, flash fiction, poetry, film articles, movie reviews, and more


managing editor

chris pruitt

founding editor matthew guerrero

Sex by Gender by Aaron Wiegert

The male perspective has been
A claustrophobic dimension.
Projecting stop-watched choreography,
Minus context and emotion.
A snake blinded by the rut of its tail.

On the other hand, a web is spun
With the breadth of a spectrum
That could tongue-tie the moon.
Shaking with vulnerability, poised
As a rush of dopamine.

What you don’t see coming
Will cripple the parasite
And seize the chore,
To forge a symmetry
As fragrant as adultery.

Aaron D. Wiegert is the author of Evil Queen, a chapbook from Budget Press. His work has appeared in: Poetry Salzburg Review, Pacific REVIEW, Indent Magazine, The Broken Plate, Tulane Review, South Carolina Review, Spoilage Magazine, and Antique Children Quarterly. He can be reached at

On No Mission by John Grey

While You Weren't Looking by Aaron Frieden