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DRUNK MONKEYS IS A Literary Magazine and Film Blog founded in 2011 featuring short stories, flash fiction, poetry, film articles, movie reviews, and more


managing editor

chris pruitt

founding editor matthew guerrero

Kids by Peycho Kanev

remember in my youth how we played
hide and seek and
how we killed doves and sparrows with
and how the sky was different then and the air
and the sun.

But now all the young boys
play Diablo 3 on their computers and
chat on the Internet with little girls that
are so far away.

When I was a boy all the women in the streets
looked like my mama,
but not any more,
not any more.

All the young boys today
want to fuck Taylor Swift
instead of looking at a picture of
Gertrude Stein.

I can’t blame them at all.

Peycho Kanev is the author of 4 poetry collections and two chapbooks. His collection Bone Silence was released in 2010 by Desperanto, NY and Уиски в тенекиена кутия (Whiskey in a Tin Can), 2013, Американски тетрадки (American Notebooks), 2010, Разходка през стените (Walking Through Walls), 2009 were published in Bulgaria. Peycho Kanev has won several European awards for his poetry and he’s nominated for the Pushcart Award and Best of the Net. Translations of his books will be published soon in Italy, Poland and Russia. His poems have appeared in more than 900 literary magazines, such as: Poetry Quarterly, Evergreen Review, Columbia College Literary Review, Hawaii Review, Cordite Poetry Review, Sheepshead Review, Off the Coast, The Coachella Review, Two Thirds North, Sierra Nevada Review, The Cleveland Review and many others.

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