Jack C. Buck, a Michigan native, now lives in Colorado. He is a public school teacher. Jack enjoys being an uncle to seven nieces and nephews. Someday he hopes to travel the world. You can reach him on Twitter @Jack_C_Buck. Deer Michigan is available through Truth Serum Press.
Dani Neiley reviews Deer Michigan, a collection of flash fiction from Jack C. Buck.
Dani Neiley reviews Maya Sokolovski's debut collection, Double-Click Flash Fic.
Kolleen Carney reviews a poetry collection from Karla Cordero, Grasshoppers Before Gods.
Wait, why am I talking about myself when this is a book review? Oh, that’s right. ‘Setting the scene.’ Because you see, Mr. Brian Collins has also been reviewing movies. But unlike my lazy self, he reviewed a horror movie every day for SIX YEARS, missing only one single day early in the run.
Even if Gina Tron’s short story collection Eggolio and Other Fables turned out to be an uninspired, sweaty piece of literary garbage, we’d still have that cover. I have been reviewing books for a little over a decade. Eggolio and Other Fables may feature one of the best covers I have ever seen. Illustrated by the stunning, clearly underrated Cora Foxx (I’m guessing, but I will also venture to say that whatever Cora is currently making as an illustrator, it’s not enough).
Ron Kolm writes with a remarkable eye for detail and personality. He also often writes with the tone of a man who can’t quite believe he’s still alive. Certainly, his latest book Night Shift strongly implies that he is a man who can tell you where to find the best taco trucks beyond the gates of hell. Few writers working today can combine dry, almost weary observational wit with steady, charming wisdom.
Gabriel Ricard reviews Grig Larson's 2011 book Trolley, a steampunk fantasy.
Bradley Sides reviews Devil in a Sleeping Bag, the debut novel from Texas filmmaker Scott Honea.
Gabriel Ricard reviews the first in an ongoing series of horror novels from Jette Harris, Colossus: My Name is Not Heather Stokes).
Bradley Sides reviews Shawn Vestal's latest novel, Daredevils, from Penguin Press, which he calls "hard to put down".