Every year, and there have been a lot of them, as the long hot summer nears my birthday in August, the whole Atomic Bomb thing rears its death’s head. It’s time for The Media to drum up anniversarial articles about nukes in general and, at this time of year, the specific war ender, the last two words being key. It did end the war, after all.

I have no interest in explaining to you why Tron: Legacy is good. If you don’t want to absorb yourself in this world of candy-coated neon and “bio-digital jazz” (man), then very little I can say here will convince you otherwise. The truth is, I don’t care whether Tron: Legacy is good, but let me tell you why it matters to me.

The release of Apple’s fifth album could not be more timely. The scourge of the ongoing pandemic, the depressing lockdown, and the augmenting repression by populist fascists around the world, Fetch The Bolt Cutters accompanies us to face the brutal realities of these strange times with a refreshing tenderness—the tenderness of serious artistry and the guiding presence of feminine endurance.