The power shift that took place when she wanted me back in early adulthood both thrilled and angered me. A bulk of childhood rejection still lingered in my body, but I also needed her. My aching fantasy refused to die, the craving of a warm female to look up to and emulate, a mama to hold me close and tell me how loved and special I was, just for being me.

I think it rained that entire summer. At least that’s how I remember it.
The air was wet and thick as the skin of a plum. Mold grew everywhere it could-
in the cracks in the floorboards, in the mailbox with the spider-mother,
between the pages of the poems you read to me on the porch.

FILM / Theories of Crime According to Minority Report / Nadia Benjelloun

Time and time again, history has shown that mankind has a propensity to be attracted to violent means. Prehistoric warfare between hunters and gatherers, gladiators, protests, and sports fans’ victory rampages are just samples. But this claim alone would hint to a deterministic point of view on humanity. An interpretation that considers this point of view, in both its merits and limitations, is the movie, Minority Report (2002).