Boardwalk Empire has long had outstanding direction thanks to a group of A-listers like Tim Van Patten, Allen Coulter, and, of course, executive producer Martin Scorsese. Likely because of Scorsese’s involvement with the show, direction has been such a focal point and tonight’s episode is no different. Helmed by Tim Van Patten, we have beautiful scene after beautiful scene. The most striking one comes just before the end, between Chalky and Dunn Purnsley. The fight scene, which is ugly and truly feels like a fight of desperation, is outmatched by the moments directly before it, when we know violence is about to erupt but we’re just not sure when and how. The shot of Dunn Purnsley at the door, his cruel smile showing us his gold tooth, is absolutely perfect. It’s impressive how actor Erik LaRey Harvey is able to look utterly evil while still having a friendly face. There’s nothing I can point to and say, “That’s what’s off about his look.” He just manages to create a general appearance that tells us violence is about to happen without becoming overtly menacing. We saw that look at the end of last week’s episode, right before he killed the deacon, and we see it once more tonight, before he tries to kill Chalky. I was a little iffy on the killing of the deacon last week as it seemed predictable and a little unnecessary but after tonight I think it worked as some great foreshadowing.