The night sky is a colander
Straining the stars
As brothers in arms
Reveal the gem lit from within
The night sky is a colander
Straining the stars
As brothers in arms
Reveal the gem lit from within
I needed but two grocery items,
but this man needed to uphold a Holy
Bargain with the Almighty, and I wanted
not for the Lord to rescindeth His deal.
oh, so your victimhood
is the hand that signs
your check. why, then
do you wear it like gold
If I can pick up this shoe
Tie my shoelaces
Take an aspirin and shave
Drink black coffee
And have a good shit
Vonnegut carried around a calculator
Trying to remember the sum
He’d yet to imagine for a fictional fortune.
The interview had gone
so I took the first door
that said
without noticing the words
that embraced it.
Another dirty suit —
it doesn’t help him
smell his best.
But then
he never did notice
since infection killed his sense.
Tonight, we will sink
take 8 deep breaths
place a hand on your head
pray that you never know pain
My parents urged me to become
A productive citizen. Like a foal
Dropped to grow into a thoroughbred,
I seemed born to race up some corporate
Ladder, but something in my brain
Or heart rebelled against a goal
Of raising the line graph of company
Sales of soap, soda, or sedans.
Delinquents all! We held a secret
National conference in 1987,
Declared out of fiendish malice
By a unanimous show
Of infant’s trembling hands