Acerbic outbursts. Visions
of a dead woman with cake.
A brother's revenge. A weary
shoe repairman becomes
a saint. She spent her life
preparing. A new age of
villains calls for old-school
heroes. Religion. Family.
Supremacy. He set out for
Space, then took a detour.
Murders so gruesome, they
make no sense. No problem.
This monkey can make friends
William Lessard has writing that has appeared or is forthcoming in McSweeney's, NPR, Prelude, Wired, Thought Catalog, People Holding, Drunk Monkeys, and Voicemail Poems. He won the first-annual "Bureaucratic Writing Contest" hosted by tNY.Press (formerly theNewerYork). He was recently accepted into the Ashbery Home School.
male-pattern badness did you see me me take a picture of me walk on the beach to take
picture walking on the beach could reach 100 likes like male-pattern badness bring me the password
her church was music
and her gods dead rock stars
who she joined on an eternal tour
around the furthest reaches
of space and time,
I lied to my fourth therapist,
telling her all of my bogus
achievements while she jotted
them down on a pad in her lap,
hoping that she couldn't smell
the Schnapps on my breath
4x4ever everything I expected 2.5 bedroom gun rack smokestack tread for dread of poor handling known known unknowable star-spangled suspension of disbelief
I have gone astray,
in an esoteric phrase,
lying to the government
about a loaded gun
between my legs.
The gift of childhood is imagination. In Sarah Frances Moran's poem, "Still Alive and Well" love and forgiveness are found in a friendship that withstand the challenges of life.
"Inside my body rests this adventurer.
I know it was birthed by you. The way fresh air
fills your lungs and how a campfire and a cold beer
can be like heaven.
Riding bikes down bayou banks
and tiptoe walking across railroad bridges.
We are wanderers. Romantic gypsies just a little