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Love Surrounds Us Like a Posse in Bulletproof Vests by Howie Good

I’m a ghost seated before a blank mirror.

You’re equal parts light & dark.

I’m a prescription that nobody can decipher.
You’re whatever pill may cause drowsiness.

I’m empty lots & the basements of abandoned buildings.
You’re the honeycombed blue mountains of night.

There are so many more stars than I remember there being.

Howie Good, a journalism professor at State University of New York at New Paltz, is the author of the new poetry collection, Dreaming in Red, from Right Hand Pointing. All proceeds from the sale of the book go to a crisis center, which you can read about here: https://sites.google.com/site/rhplanding/howie-good-dreaming-in-red.
His chapbook, The Devil’s Fuzzy Slippers, has just been published by Flutter Press.

© 2012 Howie Good