Sex by Gender by Aaron Wiegert
The male perspective has been
A claustrophobic dimension.
Projecting stop-watched choreography,
Minus context and emotion.
A snake blinded by the rut of its tail.
On the other hand, a web is spun
With the breadth of a spectrum
That could tongue-tie the moon.
Shaking with vulnerability, poised
As a rush of dopamine.
What you don’t see coming
Will cripple the parasite
And seize the chore,
To forge a symmetry
As fragrant as adultery.
Aaron D. Wiegert is the author of Evil Queen, a chapbook from Budget Press. His work has appeared in: Poetry Salzburg Review, Pacific REVIEW, Indent Magazine, The Broken Plate, Tulane Review, South Carolina Review, Spoilage Magazine, and Antique Children Quarterly. He can be reached at