I've never really liked the sound
of my voice so I’ll let my body speak.
It moves with more confidence
although both are small. My voice sounds like
the ding of a triangle – the tiny three-sided
percussion instrument, but my body trusts in dancing;
it’s sure of its turns and landings to leaps,
I’m least likely to stutter if I use my hands,
my arms, my legs, and my feet.
So let’s dance to a love song;
not with our arms wrapped
around each other, swaying like
reeds in the breeze, but freestyle
ballet and hip hop. Arabesque to the long
note in the chorus; pop and lock to the drum
when it comes in. We’ll fold into each other,
gentle and bowing, and separate
before the music pulls us back together.
I hope you can interpret
the attitude in my legs,
bounce of my shoulders,
the point in my feet.
Hear me clearly as I move because
my voice isn’t bass-guitar strong like yours;
It can’t solo truth so easily. So watch me.
Listen for the way my heart beats faster
even after the music has stopped.