Drunk Monkeys | Literature, Film, Television

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Lady Sings the Blues (While Looking at National Geographic) by Amy Galloway

A pecha kucha inspired by Terrance Hayes’ interpretation of the form.

[High above Boston]

The men, of course, are
high above Boston, masters
of the roads, rulers of the bay.
I am in the city, lost among the bombs.

[Spirit Bear]

Oh great Spirit Bear,
claw your way into his sleep
rake his dreams with blood
clog his lungs with muddy leaves.
Oh, great Spirit Bear.

[Mr. T’s Special Breakfast]

Shit, Mr. T. can eat any
thing, any damn thing.
I’m throwing two brown eggs
in the iron pan.
That’s it, two damn eggs, no toast.

Amy Galloway is a wife, mother, friend, teacher, reader and writer. She loves to observe people and try to capture their essence with words. She looks for the magic in each experience and tries to give it a voice. She finds comfort and wisdom in nature and looks to the natural world for inspiration.