Michael by Shanna Holako
You’re so beautiful
the contours of your back
the dimples of your cheeks
the space between your teeth
and at once i knew I wasM A G N I F I C E N T
the air flushed in << <<
from the
y o u a r e m y f a v o r i t e p a r t o f
b e i n g a l i v e .
i learned to hum to avoid the sound
i realized i like
following you around
let’s be honest, i’ve never been able to write about
my world cannot contain you
cannot compress you
cannot put you into words
be a gradual
ascent into what i’ve wanted
that stood just far enough out of my grasp
to make me stare
into the
[ ]
i’ve forgotten how this works | it lost sense,
some sentiment
the parts are missing | the words
lose meaning
the fragments | the form is ___
Shanna Holako is a third-year student in the English program at the University of California at Berkeley.
She can be reached at shannaholako@gmail.com