Taras D. Butrej endures the brightly colored mayhem of Bryan Singer's latest action-packed installment of Marvel's Merry Mutants, X-Men: Apocalypse.
All tagged Marvel
Taras D. Butrej endures the brightly colored mayhem of Bryan Singer's latest action-packed installment of Marvel's Merry Mutants, X-Men: Apocalypse.
Captain America and Iron Man face off, in a battle thirteen movies in the making, in Captain America: Civil War, which Matthew Guerruckey calls the Empire Strikes Back of Marvel movies!
The Merc with a Mouth comes to bright, violent life in Deadpool, starring Ryan Reynolds, a slam-bang action flick that Juese Cutler calls "Tom and Jerry with butt stuff".
When everything is the end of the world, how do blockbusters keep from becoming numbing or repetitive? By keeping the stakes personal. Donald McCarthy gives some advice for the makers of the next generation of blockbusters on how to avoid a bloated, boring climax.
The Drunk Monkeys Film Department returns for another Fact or Fiction column -- this time, an all superhero edition! We take on Marvel, Spider-Man, The Fantastic Four, and DC.
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These Marvel movies have always contained teasers for the next installments, but this is the first one that’s felt like a commercial more than its own storyline. The movie seems to be more about introducing characters and plotlines that will play bigger roles in the next Marvel properties, from the upcoming Black Panther to the Infinity War films, that it remains in a sort of narrative purgatory.
The plot is fantastic and it’s no surprise that this is loosely based on a Marvel comic series of the same name. There is actual characterization at work here. Despite being animated, everyone is more three-dimensional than most recent films can boast.