CameraRAW Photography/ Rachael Warecki
Hello friends—
Well, that was quite the Trump issue, eh? I’ll be honest: Trump is exhausting, and that issue caused a lot of anxiety in me. And I didn’t even curate it (our founder, Matthew, ran that ship). It was a fantastic issue (did you even read that Bonnie Rae Walker poem?), but in a way I am happy it’s behind us.
This year has been both the longest and shortest of my life, and I know a lot of you can agree. I feel like Christmas just happened, and here we are again on the cusp of the holiday season. We’re all exhausted by the government, the hatred, the fear. I for one am drinking way more than I ever have, and it’s beginning to concern me a little. But I’m hanging in there, and I hope you are too.
It’s been almost a full year since I took over as EIC for Drunk Monkeys, and I am really proud of the work we’re showcasing and the responses we’re getting from the community. I am so grateful to Matthew for trusting me with this project, and I have nothing but love and respect for him, our staff, our writers, our artists. In a world that makes it easy to forget how blessed one can be, I am trying to remind myself that I am surrounded by a wonderful family. Matthew even officiated my wedding in October, which was a kindness I will never forget.
My personal life has been a real whirlwind of drama, heartache, big changes, and hope. But truly, moving to California was the best thing I ever did.
I hope you will take some time this month to remind yourself that you aren’t alone in this world, that there are good things to be found if you look hard enough. I hope you’ll make more time for literature in the year ahead. I hope you’ll support the members of your community and make a point to call out harassment and abusive behaviors. I hope you’ll shine the brightest you ever have. Let’s end this year on the highest note we can, and let’s make 2018 the year we rule the school.
Be well.