Drunk Monkeys | Literature, Film, Television

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LETTER FROM THE EDITOR / December 2023 / Kolleen Carney-Hoepfner

Photo by Rithika Gopal on Unsplash

Hello friends, 

We don't usually do a December issue, but we're doing one this year since we took a lot of time off over the summer. Welcome to it! It's short but sweet. 

We're looking forward to a fresh chapter starting next month. I feel like I'm always playing catch up, and I just want 2024 to be better focused and well rested. One can dream! 

We're closed for submissions until February, when we'll be open for a quick blitz of pop culture subs for our annual April issue.  Be on the lookout! 

I hope the holidays are peaceful and filled with love. I have a lot of thoughts lately, but we'll wait until January for them.


Kolleen CH