Photo by Will Drzycimski on Unsplash
At first it was easy to tell
myself the story about limits—women
don’t work, we find a man, get married,
and have babies—and if we do work
it doesn’t mean we’ll be paid
a living wage because we don’t
have a family to provide for and we can’t
live in the city all by ourselves
because it’s dangerous—and on and on
it goes but even then—I’m still trying
to clear the runway of my life
reaching for what was always
there for me except for
my belief in ceilings
you see the world wants you
to believe there are limits
you cannot break through
as a way to control you
yet this barrier is not real
it’s imagined because there really
are no limits—only in your mind
where your inner critic lives—
in fact, to live this empowered lifestyle,
traditional gender tropes must be
dismantled yet research reveals
that men find less powerful women
attractive and I always say
“atta girl” because people like
when the underdog wins.
Kathi Crawford spends her days as a business and career coach and, by night, writes poetry, flash fiction and creative nonfiction. She hopes to create dialogue through her writing for the challenges of our time and as individuals. You can find her on Instagram @kathicrawford or visit her blog at or website: Her published works can be found on Amazon: