Photo by Gilles Lambert on Unsplash
And this is not about me but let me make it that way since ego-centrism is what brains are best at I make this generalization of course because ego-centrism is what my brain is best at and also because I read it once in a book. The friend I sub-tweeted about ghosting me just posted a comic on instagram explaining that they've been going through the worst bout of depression of their life so of course I deleted the tweet I did that less than an hour after I sent it that doesn't mean it didn't happen or even that it's gone just like the ass-pics I posted on my finsta anything can be found if you really look for it. Which is not to say that I saw this coming no one ever sees it coming trans folks are really good at keeping secrets which in my eyes is because we're agents of truth which may sound like the name of some AMC Supernatural knock-off series but is probably an earnest belief and only probably because some people exclusively eat bleeding hearts and I've always had a couple swords at least that call my chambered muscle beating ceaselessly a sheath. This Oscar nominee who we now know goes by they and he starred in a film about teenage pregnancy that I was not allowed to see at the time of release for fear it would encourage premarital sexual intercourse and hopefully this helps explain why it feels like the universe is granting me a treat in the year of our Lorde twenty-twenty through a beloved public figure telling the world excuse me, you've been mistaken cause have I not also said the same? Have I not also typed on a page you're wrong about me, you don't even know my name?
Benjamin Anthony Rhodes is a queer and trans poet living in Northeast Ohio where he is a poetry candidate with the NEOMFA. Born and bred on the bayou, Benjamin hails from Louisiana and earned his BA in English from the University of Louisiana at Monroe. His work can be found in Volney Road Review, ode to Queer, and Luna Negra.