Drunk Monkeys | Literature, Film, Television

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POETRY / Emotional Climate Report (after Tom Waits) / John Waddy Bullion

Photo by Dave Hoefler on Unsplash

What we’re talking about is
late night and early morning clouds
having an amplifying effect
on overall temperature

Leading to precipitation extremes
weakened infrastructure
and economic losses

Yeah I know that things are tough all over
on the corners of Sunset and Alvorado
9th and Hennepin
and Bedlam and Squalor

And that normal migration patterns
between the bedroom and bathroom
regions of our apartment
have been disrupted

Yeah it’s hot in here
hotter than a tramp’s hat band

A high-pressure zone is stalled above
the northernmost portions of my personality
while our outlook remains mostly cloudy
due to unstable atmospheric conditions
that will exacerbate existing health disparities
and negatively impact food availability

Highly sensitive people
may feel the effects more acutely
even though there’s nothing
in the mountains of scientific evidence
that would support a causal link
between weather and pain

But I don’t care
what the literature says baby
I’m just glad to be stuck
here with you

Riding out the storm
on an overnight high

John Waddy Bullion's writing has appeared in BULL, HAD, Sledgehammer Lit, and the Daily Drunk, among other fine places. He lives in Fort Worth, Texas, with his family. He can be found on Twitter @jonwaddy.