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i imagine that sex in the 50s was always missionary & kinkless. the kind of sex you would expect women in high-neck blouses & ankle-length poodle skirts would have with men who wear long-sleeve button-up shirts to school, not because they have to, but just because they can. they smile their too-colgate smiles at each other over a milkshake. her lips curl around the candy red-striped straw like they would curl around any straw; in a pouty lip-gloss pucker (get your head out of the gutter!). or maybe sex was a 50s invention altogether, when the storks went on strike. my mom drinks 1 beer & spills the family secrets, did you know Ted used to give Nana golden showers & it’d piss her off? (badum-ttssss). Ted’s been dead for almost a decade now. Nana is 92. the two of ‘em might’ve invented the pee-kink in black & white, T.V color & pornhub coming after. it’s family legacy, my boyfriend says, so if you have a pee thing you can just tell me. the internet says if you’re gonna piss on your partner you should drink plenty of water beforehand. avoid asparagus & coffee. did Ted know any of this as he pissed on my great-grandmother? was Nana the guinea-pig? did she take the musty concentrated smell like a champ and maybe like it? did they do the research together? a puddle under a poodle skirt. pouty lip-gloss pucker curled around a different straw.
McKenzie Hurder is a recent graduate from UMass Boston. Her work has appeared in Fleas on the Dog, Rose Quartz Magazine, The Horny Poetry Review, Allegory Ridge’s Aurora Anthology, and is forthcoming in The East Jasmine Review. Follow her on Instagram @elwyn_esque