She tells us many things after she moves in,
most of them wrong, sometimes just slightly.
She repeats that she knows where Jimmy Stewart
is buried, even though he is still alive at the time.
We assume she means Hoffa, we assume so much.
She says she wears Ex-scape. We know she does
no such thing, just a Designer Imposter
she’ll refill the pricey bottle with. Skimpy,
you eediot, she says over and over. We don’t
know if she’s ever even watched the show,
she doesn’t know “Log,” so we really have no proof.
At that age, proof is so important. We all
want to know who can be trusted and
who is a fraud just like us.
Jennifer Schomburg Kanke, originally from Columbus, Ohio, lives in Tallahassee, Florida, where she edits confidential government documents, which is not nearly so spy-like as it sounds. Her work has appeared previously in Drunk Monkeys, as well as in Prairie Schooner, Nimrod, and Sou'wester. She serves as a reader for Emrys.