an assembly of google searches, starting the day after the death of my partner
best ropes
>what will happen if i take 60 xans
>>overdose, xanax, zoloft
swedish hospital
how long does it take for sleep aids to work
keeping notebooks dry in storage
cremation jewelry
memorial services
how much does it cost to replace a window
small cremation urn
>star wars creation urns
partner died, how to deal with finances
estate attorney
>how to become executor of estate
>>cook county probate court
wanting to have sex when grieving
>suicidal when grieving
>>what is normal during grief
>>>can you feel all stages of grief at once?
psychology degree
>phd programs, chicago
>satanic temple donation
how to keep clothes safe in storage
>how to keep stuffed animals safe in storage
>>how to keep toy figures safe in storage
can you be traumatized by seeing your partner die?
>dealing with grief triggers
>>how long can grief last
is it normal to feel guilty about laughing when grieving?
>is it normal to feel numb?
>>how to talk to friends about your grief
>lgbt therapist
>>grief therapist
Ashley Miranda is a latinx poet from Chicago. Their work has been previously featured by the Cotton Xenomorph, Memoir Mixtapes, Witch Craft Mag, MAKE magazine and other publications. You can get a copy of their recent chapbook, dolores in spanish is pain, dolores in lolita is a girl, from Glass Poetry Press. Ashley tweets far too much and would love to be your friend on Twitter (@dustwhispers).