POETRY / La Vida: Una Bella Fragilidad / Jennifer Rodriguez / Writer of the Month
Solo tomo un pequeño instante
el soplar del aire entre los planos de la obscuridad
el milisegundo entre el abrir y el cerrar de los ojos
un parpadeo
y te desapareces de mi vista
el soltar de un suspiro muy largo contenido
y repentinamente el diente de león se deshace
la fragilidad de tu belleza suelta por mundos mas allá de mi alcance
mi visión se dispersa enloquecidamente
como un disparo a ciegas en la noche
por donde comenzar a buscarte?
por las mañanas donde el sol alumbraba tu casa con momentos llenos de mis risas infantiles
quizá en las tardes entre el pasar de los carros y las caminatas de nuestros pasos lentos
tal vez al abrir la ventana oiré el retumbar acogedor de tu voz
Pero ahora me enfrento a un rompecabezas - infinitamente mas complejo que mi entendimiento limitado puede descifrar
intentando comprender la razón de tu partir
es un adiós sin despedida
es una carta perdida en el olvido del manantial misterioso
Aun así, tu me rodeas como un aire acogedor
presente en todo momento, si tan solo para tocarme la cara con recuerdos de un ayer, no tan lejano
Si, aun sigues aquí, aun vives como el retrato iluminador que ilustraste en mi mente
bailamos, dos almas ante la llama que quema ardorosamente,
y bailaremos juntas hasta que la lumbre se extingue, hasta el día que te deje de buscar entre la belleza de la vida, solo para encontrarte en mi ultimo suspiro
Life: Beautiful Fragility (translated into English by the author)
It only took a small instant
The blowing of the wind between the planes of darkness
The millisecond between the opening and closing of the eyes
A blink
And you escape my sight
The release of a sigh kept in for far too long
And suddenly the dandelion is undone
The fragility of your beauty unleashed upon worlds beyond my reach
My vision scatters crazily
Like a blind shot at night
Where to begin to look for you?
Through the mornings when the sun brightened your house with moments full of my youthful laughs
Perhaps in the evenings between the passing of the cars and the long walks of our synchronized slow steps
Maybe when I open the window, I’ll hear the comforting echo of your voice
But now I’m facing a puzzle – infinitely more complex than my limited understanding can help me decipher
Trying to understand the reason of your departure
It’s a goodbye without a farewell
It’s a letter lost in the forgetfulness of the mysterious spring
Despite this, you surround me like a soothing gust of wind
Present in every moment, if only to touch my face and remind me of a yesterday, not too long ago
Yes, you’re still here, you live like the illuminating portrait you illustrated in my mind
We dance, two souls before the flame that burns ardently
And we’ll dance together until the fire is extinguished,
Until the day I stop looking for you in the beauty of life, only to find you in my last sigh
Jennifer Rodriguez is a Latina writer and admirer of all art forms. She has a Bachelor's degree in Communications with a minor in Spanish from California State University of Fullerton. She works as a public relations professional in Southern California while constantly fueling her love for creative projects, and seeking the answers of the universe through art forms. Her work has appeared in Desamor Zine, Memoir Mixtapes and Dear Movies Zine. Visit her at www.jennifer-rodriguez.com