Bears, beets, bleak existential terror (Image © Paramount Pictures)
In spite of its director and star, not a single character “Jims” the camera in A Quiet Place. You'll forget all about The Office as you're thrown into the bleak world of the Abbott family, who live in almost complete silence as to not attract the violent creatures, who respond only to sound. The silence overwhelms. I spent most of the movie holding back tears as I scratched my son's arm while clutching my sweater to my face. A glass of wine may ease you along. Also, props for casting an actual deaf actress, the phenomenal Millicent Simmonds.
Kolleen Carney-Hoepfner, Editor-in-Chief
A Quiet Place
Starring Emily Blunt, John Krasinski, & Millicent Simmonds
Written by Bryan Woods, Scott Beck, & John Krasinski
Directed by John Krasinski
In Theaters Now