You’ll never swim in the ocean
again, Harbor Master, Shark Shooter,
Heir of Polyamorous Meats. I’ll get back
to you in partial remains, partially
denuded. Hold your accolades,
ladies and gentlemen, for dynamite outs
the fish. We will switch off summer
as soon as possible and your lust for it.
The UV rays of it, the bleached bones of it,
the box of shiny things of it. Neon
clothes may nick the heart’s resolve,
but a rogue on shore is something else
in love. Sunk pontoon. Seaweed tapestry.
An apron
mistaken for water fowl. Oh and alas,
the beast comes back. We kill it,
and the beast comes back.
Andrew Nye is a poetry editor for Blue Earth Review and teaches writing at Minnesota State University Mankato. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Five:2:One #slideshow, ANON Magazine, Clockwise Cat, and Cold Green Tea Press.