Image © Warner Bros.
The best portions of A Star is Born play out more or less like the film’s well-edited trailer: fast-paced, gorgeously photographed scenes set against emotional tunes. But once past the moment in which Gaga gets her big break (a scene which is a contender for the very best of 2018) the movie settles into rote Behind the Music cliché. Cooper is better than he’s ever been, and shows great promise as a director. Gaga is, as ever, playing for the back row in every scene, whether she’s singing or acting. I’ll leave you to work out if that’s a compliment.
Matt Guerrero, Film Editor
A Star is Born
Starring Bradley Cooper, Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper, Andrew Dice Clay, Dave Chappelle, and Sam Elliott
Screenplay by Eric Roth, Bradley Cooper, and Will Fetters
Directed by Bradley Cooper
In Theaters Now