Photo by Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash
the drinking glass
you threw
across the room
against the wall
I had said
a wrong thing
I still hear
the explosion
fracturing the quiet
see sharp shards
stick straight up
in plush amber carpet
we were barefoot
that was years ago
if I could now
I would
put on shoes
walk across
plush carpet
pick up shards
color them
fashion them
into a stained glass window
through which I could
that weekend differently
the smell of rain
enveloping us
as we walked
at dawn
perhaps I could recall
the sweet note
pinned to our cottage door
welcoming us
by name
Susan Flynn has been published in Late Peaches, An Anthology of Sacramento Poets; No Achilles, An Anthology of War Poetry; Tule Review; Oberon Poetry Magazine; WomenArts Quarterly; Adirondack Review; Slab and Cosumnes River Journal. Susan is the author of a chapbook, Seeing Begins in the Dark, and she is currently in the process of pursuing a publisher. She has also attended several writing workshops and studied under Mark Doty, Fenton Johnson, Marie Howe, Ellen Bass, Carl Phillips, Susan Kelly-DeWitt, Kate Asche, and Pat Schneider. Susan has her BA in American Literature and her PhD in Clinical Psychology, and currently works as a clinical psychologist and a university professor. She lives in Sacramento and enjoys fly fishing, writing, photography, and playing the piano.