“Donald Trump Sign” by Gage Skidmore
All donations from our Patreon account for the month of November will go to the Southern Poverty Law Center, a group dedicated to fighting bigotry and hate through legal resources and education.
To donate to them directly, please click this link.
“What I Would Like to Do With Donald Trump” by Bonnie Rae Walker
“Trump During the Second Debate” by Cat Conway
"January 2017" by Patricia Callan
"Advice From an Old Bisexual on Inauguration 45" by Daniel Crocker
"Night of the Fourth Day into the Trump Presidency" by Jennifer Martelli
"War on Christmas" by Gabriel Ricard
"It’s Nice to Feel so Powerful" by Ally Bush
"When Blood is the Only Liquid Worthy of the Cold Future Hot in Our Hands by Sarah Lilius
"When You Write Another Trump Poem" by Sarah Lilius
"Trump’s America: Three Poems" by Destine Carrington
"Her Little Boy” by Jeanne Obbard
"America, America" by Rachel Nix
"There are Too Many Memes" by Rachel Nix
"Amidst Hurricane Irma" by Luis Lopez-Maldonado
All donations from our Patreon account for the month of November will go to the Southern Poverty Law Center, a group dedicated to fighting bigotry and hate through legal resources and education.
To donate to them directly, please click this link.
© 2017 Marginalia Publishing | all original content © the contributing writer | Drunk Monkeys logo designed by Severin Piehl and Allan Ferguson | cover image designed by Allan Ferguson